Saturday, May 3, 2014

3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Egyptian Masks

Our fifth stop was Egypt, Africa! Students compared (similarities) and contrasted (differences) between Pharaoh masks and imagery of Egyptian gods. They combined elements from the Pharaoh masks and Egyptian gods to create an entirely new Egyptian mask. We also learned that when you compare and contrast your own art with others art you can see new things to add that might improve your own art. Students learned how to add contrast within their masks by adding different shapes, sizes, types of line, and lights and darks. In addition, we created a list of differences between drawing and painting. Then we talked about process and why we might start with pencil before moving on to paint or permanent marker.

1st and 2nd Grade Party Masks from Mali

Our fifth stop was Mali, Africa! Students compared (similarities) and contrasted (differences) between African animal and human masks. They combined elements from the animal and human masks to create an entirely new African Party mask. We also learned that when you compare and contrast your own art with others art you can see new things to add that might improve your own art. Students also learned how to add contrast within their masks by adding different shapes, sizes, types of line, and lights and darks. In addition, we created a list of differences between drawing and painting. Then we talked about process and why we might start with pencil before moving on to paint or permanent marker.